Working Papers

Competing before Learning: On the Efficiency of Product Differentiation

This paper studies the sellers’ differentiation and price competition before consumer costly learning about the preference in horizontal differentiated markets. We first characterize the unique symmetric pricing-learning equilibrium given choices of differentiation, and then investigate the sellers’ equilibrium choices of product differentiation. Moreover, we study the efficiency implication of the costly learning on the equilibrium differentiation and apply the model to study the industry-optimal differentiation. It is shown that the equilibrium market differentiation is inefficient: too much for small learning costs and too little for large learning costs. However, the industry-optimal differentiation can restore efficiency under some conditions on learning costs. 

Published/forthcoming Papers

Information Acquisition and Product Differentiation Perception with Gary Biglaiser, Fei Li. Forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.

Optimal Stress Tests and Liquidation Cost. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 146, 2023.